CB and Bannerblog to compile Hot+Cold Chart of Digital Agencies in Australia and New Zealand

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CB Agency Creativity-Billings Chart 2009.jpgUPDATE – For the first time, Campaign Brief, in association with Bannerblog, is compiling a Hot+Cold chart of Australian and New Zealand DIGITAL AGENCIES, including the independents as well as those affiliated or housed within ad agencies.


The chart will appear in the February 2010 issue (as well as online via Bannerblog.com.au and the CB Blog) alongside our usual Creativity/ Billings Index of ad agencies (pictured left).


You’ll be pleased to know it’s FREE to enter.

Please include number of staff to give us an idea where to place theagency in terms of size. (If you are part of a mainstream ad agency,please only include the number of digital staff). If you have anotherAustralian office, it must be sent separately. Where you appear (in theRed or Blue zone) depends of course on your creative output in the 2009calendar year.

We’ll also be considering ranking agencies based on their technicalability so if you’re a kick ass tech house don’t be afriad to enter.


Provide a single URL with a collection of links to your best work from 2009.


List highlights of the year, including all awards won in 2009 in aseparate PDF <5MB. Keep it short, to the point and honest. Justinclude this PDF as a link on your page.


Judging will be carried out by a jury of several digital agencies heads, together with the Bannerblog team and Campaign Brief.

Please only include work that has run between January 1 to Dec 31, 2009.


Make sure your email is sent prior to Tuesday 22nd December, 2009 –

or if you miss that deadline, by Friday 15th January, 2010.


Address emails to: