Sustainable brand consultancy Republic of Everyone’s Gruen ad hits a Green nerve


Screen shot 2010-08-12 at 2.58.46 PM.pngUPDATED: As reported yesterday by CB, A fake political commercial for the Green Party on the ABC’s Gruen Nation on Wednesday night has hit a green nerve, with thousands of supportive messages posted requesting that the ad be adopted by the party and aired nationally.

Sydney-based sustainable brand consultancy Republic of Everyone, who developed the “If You Think – vote Greens” spot, was approached by the Green Party to discuss using the concept following the show. However, the ABC owns the copyright and have refused to allow that to happen.

Butas it stands the fact that The Greens can’t buy it is working in theirfavour with the press picking up the story and the spot going viralwith over 24,000 hits in less than 24 hours.

The spot was produced in-house at Sydney’s newest production company, The Colony.

Colonydirector Eran Thomson, who co-wrote the ad with Republic of Everyonecreative director, Ben Peacock, put other projects on hold to overseethe development process and deliver the final spot that went to air.

Says Peacock: “After winning thepanel vote on the show we’ve been inundated. Simplyspeaking the creative insight behind the ad was to focus on thepositive and showcase the range of Greens policies on all the bigsocial issues.

“As an agency that specializes in sustainabilityand ethical marketing for our commercial clients this is an area webelieve we understand better than most – and from the feedback we’vehad so far it seems a lot of Australian voters agree.”

Says Thomson: “I had a lot of fun writing and directing the spot. It was a great opportunity to draw on my experience as an agency creative to deliver a simple, effective idea in such a short time. I’m thrilled to see it getting so much positive attention for The Greens.”

The spot was called “the best Greens ad ever” by Gruen Transfer panellist – and Leo Burnett CEO – Todd Sampson – and commenters on YouTube seem to agree, with some calling it the best political ad ever.


Agency: Republic of Everyone, Sydney

Copywriters: Eran Thomson, Ben Peacock

Director: Eran Thomson

Executive Producer: Susan Walker

Editor/Post: Jordan Lister

Music: Stock

Production Company: The Colony