Bestads Top 6 of the Week reviewed by Joanna Pena-Bickley, ECD, Ryan Partnership, Wilton

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Winner: Playboy: Barber. I thought the idea that somethings never change was a nice touch. However, what made the ad memorable was how it dramatized a true insight about the types of excuses men make when explaining why they read Playboy. Brilliant.

Winner: Aides: Expulsions. This was one of the most effective uses of print I have seen this year. It is simple and dramatic. No matter your opinion on the subject matter it is a powerful message that requires and action.

Winner: The Smith Family: Winter Appeal. So often the use of technology overshadows or complicates the statement you are trying to make. This is an example of how to marry the right technology to the right space and message to evoke a profound emotion.

Winner: Nike: My time is now. As a football fan this one captured me from the opening scene. The choice of music, and high production value invites interaction with the video in a way that manner that puts you at the center of the action. This is a beautifully designed piece that lets the typography invite you to interact instead of the typical interface buttons. This simple method begs you to explore and find each of the easter eggs in the story. This is by far the best use of the new YouTube interface for a brand page that I have seen recently.