Commercial Radio Australia’s industry website Radio Connects showcases new campaigns

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radioconnect.jpgTwelve new successful radio advertising case studies have been added to the industry website – Radio Connects, showcasing successful ad campaigns from metropolitan and regional radio stations.

National Australia Bank, Toys R Us and Holden are just some of the leading advertisers featured in the new case studies, highlighting the use of radio and its effectiveness.

Says Joan Warner, chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia: “Organisations that have used radio advertising know it works and the Radio Connects website enables others to see real solutions and success stories using radio.”

In addition, the website hosts a video, featuring organisations talking about why they chose radio for their company and what worked for them, plus many campaigns featured include a video “wrap up” highlighting the key points of the campaign.

Radio Connects was launched last year by the radio industry to provide information for advertisers, media agencies and direct clients on how radio advertising works.

Says Warner: “Radio Connects has become an invaluable industry resource and we continue to add new case studies as they go to air.”

To access all the information available on the site, users simply register online.