Acer launches innovative experiential pop-up stand at Sydney Film Festival via Webling

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acersff1.jpgAcer needed an innovative way to attract passers-by to their Martin Place pop-up stand at the Sydney Film Festival so full-service digital agency Webling got a troupe of digital paparazzi, brought to life via gesture recognition, giving visitors a red carpet moment.


acersff2.jpgUsing a kinect camera, a big TV and some smart tech, our “virtual” paparazzi reacted to passers-by in real-time, called them over, begged them to strike a pose and snapped endless photos, all triggered by gesture and movement.

The result was a fast, fun engaging experience to draw acersff3.jpgpunters inside the Acer stand and create talkability among the visiting crowd.

The instalation is still in action at Martin Place.