Aussie anti-bullying organisation Angels Goal launches ePamphlet via Goodwill Freelancers

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embrace difference website 2.jpgAustralian anti-bullying organisation, Angels Goal is launching an ePamphlet microsite, with the aim of promoting inclusion as a solution to bullying, from a cute angle. This is done through Goodwill Freelancers who through a partnership with Disability Services Australia, provide real campaigns for real clients, for young job seekers with disability to work on, to build a portfolio of real work, they can approach prospective employers with.

This is the initial phase of the campaign, which the young job seekers in the program are currently working on a follow up, as part of the overarching campaign.  The young people are working on a second ePamphlet and digital ad, with characters being developed and illustration done by the young people.


The campaign is targeted at parents and kids, and aims to promote parents to teach their children the value and power of inclusion.