Canadian Club says ‘Fair Play’ to beer brand Coopers in battle of the billboards via The Works

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Fair Play Coopers.jpgCanadian Club Whisky via The Works, has today released its latest response to a playful series of witty jests over billboards with competing alcohol brand, Coopers.


Over the last week, two opposing billboards on Hindley Street in Adelaide, South Australia, have been a breeding ground for banter between the two beverage companies.

Canadian Club whisky, a refreshing alternative to beer, is currently running an outdoor campaign created by The Works, posing the question: “Over beer?”


Today’s latest entry into the dialogue from Canadian Club acknowledges its adversary’s good humour but sets the record straight: “Fair Play Coopers. #stilloverbeer”


Says Kevin Macmillan, co-founder and creative partner at The Works: “It was a real compliment when Coopers spent their marketing dollars getting people to look at our brand, Canadian Club.It’s testament to the quality of the Canadian Club strategy and creative.”


Says Trent Chapman, brand director at Beam Global: “It’s refreshing to see some playful banter between us and Coopers. We have always looked to start that “over beer” conversation in a provocative and witty manner. We know there’s a lot of people out there who are seeking a refreshing alternative to beer and that Australia’s thirst for Canadian Club is growing.”