Aussie based advertising photographer Kenny Smith launches personal project The Ol’ Boys


The OlAustralian based advertising photographer Kenny Smith has recently launched a unique personal project titled The Ol’ Boys.

The Ol’ Boys is a self commissioned project documenting the faces of lifelong surfers. The project has seen him shoot approximately 150 subjects so far in Australia and Bali, with plans to take the project to other “hotspots” around the world.

Says Smith: “The Ol’ Boys is a celebration of non professional surfing. The endearing term “Ol’ Boys” is one used by local surfers to describe someone who is always out a a particular spot, and this project aims to take a snapshot of surfers on a given day at popular surf sports. To keep some authenticity to the project, we just setup at surf spots, and approach surfers as they come out of the water. Sometimes we manage to capture a particular surf industry “somebody”, but in general these are the grass roots of non professional surfers, the plumbers, accountants, teachers etc who get up for “the early” each day.”

The Old Boys 5273 Mick Mackenzie.jpgSmith devised a particular lighting setup in order to best tell the story, while at the same time keeping consistency wherever he went.

Says Smith: “What makes people qualify for The Ol’ Boys project is them being a lifelong surfer, and often what comes hand in hand with that is a particular look that tells you they’ve been out in the elements for a long time. I wanted to feature strongly that look. What’s interesting is that as I’ve continued on with the project I’ve at the same time noticed a youthfulness in the eyes of my  subjects. When you zero in you can almost see them back when they first started surfing.”

The Ol’ Boys project keeps a close synergy with Smith’s professional work, which is known for it’s strong human element.

Says Smith: “I do a lot of “real talent” The Old Boys 5297 Peter McKenna.jpgbriefs, and to be honest enjoy that work. I like humanity in advertising, and am always striving to make my work believable on that level.”

Smith has worked alongside global advertising networks delivering work for some of Australian’s biggest clients.

To view his professional portfolio visit

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