Hell Pizza launches rabbit skin billboard to mark its new Rabbit Pizza via Barnes, Catmur & Friends


HELL_RABBIT_MASTERsmall.jpgThis Easter, Hell via agency Barnes Catmur & Friends, are releasing a pizza made with gourmet rabbit meat.

To show how much they care about real ingredients, and to give the Internet something to complain about, they’re launching it with a billboard made entirely out of leftover rabbit skins. Just because you’re evil, doesn’t make waste okay.

ECD: Paul Catmur

ECD: Daniel Barnes

Creatives: Rob Longuet-Higgins, Rob Cook, Bradley Stratton

Producer: Shayna Armstrong

Account director: Jo Cheyne, Meredith Maclean, Luke Farmer

Production company: Juggernaut – Rob Malone

Tanner: Animal Skin Tanning Services Lt