Eagle Boys proves size really does matter in new ‘Mega Meatlovers’ campaign via Coo’ee Brisbane


Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 1.09.48 pm.jpgEagle Boys is doing its bit for the family budget by proving that size really does matter witha new campaign via Coo’ee Brisbane promoting 15inch Mega Meatlovers pizzas.

In a cheeky, 15 second TV campaign the Eagle Boys mascot shows off his 15 inch Mega Meatlovers pizza, which is unquestionably bigger than other large pizzas available in the market.

The advertising is intended to promote the Mega Meatlovers campaign, running through May to mid-July.

Coinciding with the 2015 footy season, Eagle Boys has introduced a range of four limited-time only family-sized 15 inch pizzas including; Tropical Mega Meatlovers, Ultimate Mega Meatlovers, Deluxe Mega Meatlovers and Hot Chick Mega Meatlovers.