Cannes Contenders: DDB Sydney

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How will Australia perform at Cannes this year? In the lead up to the Festival, Campaign Brief will be showcasing the work we hope will impress the judges…

macitbetter_PR[1].jpgMcDonald’s: #Macitbetter

DDB Sydney

Everyone loves Big Mac Special Sauce. So for the very first time, we took the sauce outside the burger. We produced limited edition bottles, auctioning #001 on eBay. It sold for over $20,000. We then challenged Australia to ‘mac’ anything better with limited edition Special Sauce tubs. Which they did in their thousands, ‘Mac’ing’ everything from fish and chips to haute cuisine; better.

DDB Sydney

McDonald’s Australia was suffering significant declines in foot traffic during lunch periods. So when launching a new steak lunch menu, instead of waiting for people to come into McDonald’s, we went to them. We took a giant lunchbox to Australia’s most popular lunch spots. But this was no ordinary lunchbox, when it opened it transformed into a fully-functioning McDonald’s restaurant.


DDB Sydney

Research shows that when a CEO has a daughter, the pay gap in their company shrinks. So we created ‘Daughter Water’, a product we claimed was specially formulated to help conceive a girl. This was sent to 3000 CEOs… along with Women’s Gender Equality Agency pay 
equality toolkits.


DDB Sydney

Australia is geographically a long way from the rest of the world. This partly explains why Australians are such passionate travellers. This commercial for Expedia captures that passion. Often, people treasure a photo or printed picture of a place they’ve always dreamed of visiting. We see a diverse range of characters in their normal everyday lives, pausing for a moment to look at that picture of their somewhere. Each of the characters sings ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ from the classic film Wizard of Oz in a personal style, that delivered genuine emotion.