V teams up with Sherpa to launch V delivery app in Sydney and Melbourne via Give Art Science


V_Energy_Homepage_Asset_834x632-2.jpgOffice workers across Sydney and Melbourne are getting an energy hit today to help crush the 3pm slump and improve their afternoon productivity thanks to collaboration between V Energy and start up, on-demand delivery app, Sherpa.

Lead creative agency Give Art Science has partnered with digital agency SOAP, as well as V energy, Sherpa and M2M, to rescue office workers from the afternoon haze and improve work output with an on-demand delivery of new product, V ZERO.

People in the Sydney CBD today (Wednesday 21 Oct 2015) or the Melbourne CBD tomorrow (Thursday 22 Oct 2015), between 1pm and 3pm, can get their free energy hit by visiting http://www.delivermev.com/.