AMI launches Intelligence Connected Community platform to listen to members’ ideas and opinions

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AAEAAQAAAAAAAARPAAAAJGMwZDg1MWEyLWY2MzMtNDI3Yi04MzNjLTU0MjczMjZkYmJlYQ.jpgThe Australian Marketing Institute has launched an online Intelligence Connected Community platform that allows its members to take part in exclusive online surveys and other activities relating to a range of interesting marketing topics.

The platform has been established as an opportunity for the AMI to listen, learn and understand what its members want, need and expect from the Institute.

Over the next 12 months, the AMI along with Vision Critical customer intelligence cloud software, will undertake four quarterly pieces of futuristic research on a range of topics including: the future of marketing; the future of loyalty; the future of customer insights; and the future of customer experience.

Regular quantitative surveys will be sent by the new online platform seeking members’ insights and opinions about the future of marketing. The collective expert findings will be published in four separate white papers on each topic, and shared with members and marketing professionals.

Says Lee Tonitto, CEO, AMI: “The development of the online portal is a practical and powerful way to increase the services and outreach we offer our membership, as well as the broader marketing community.

“It’s a great way for us to increase our understanding of our members’ day to day operations within the marketing landscape, and we’re excited to publish the findings for our members.”

The first project will investigate members’ customer experiences to determine the industries currently providing the best customer experience and the factors driving these positive experiences. It will also investigate what members think of the customer experience being offered by their business, and encourage members to share their customer experience expertise on what the customer journey should be. The AMI hopes to reveal what industries provide the best customer experience, and show unique insights into the customer experience offered by businesses.

Members who are invited to participate in the ‘Intelligence Connected’ community will be making a significant contribution to opinions and ideas of how marketing is having an impact on markets and businesses in an ever-changing world to help shape the future of marketing in Australia. Joining the community and carrying out activities through the platform, will also give participants the chance to win prizes.

The AMI will host a webinar to introduce the first white paper to members in May this year.

Members wanting to join the Intelligence Connected Community portal can do so by registering here: