Top performing Copy School student Robert Boddington wins Miami Ad School scholarship

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L21udC9zaXRlX2RhdGEvcHJvZmlsZS8xNzE3NjUtcy5qcGcsMTQ3MzIxMzcyMyxpbWFnZS9qcGc,.jpgA scholarship of one copywriting subject at the Miami Ad School, Sydney, has been awarded to top performing Copy School student Robert Boddington (left).

He will learn the craft of writing news and advertising in a 10-week subject headed by Storyation’s head of content, Lauren Quaintance.

Boddginton was one of 19 budding copywriters who last week attended Copy School, a five-day course hosted by NewsMediaWorks, where creative advertising veterans share their knowledge and experience.

Tutors at the latest Copy School included founder of Big Red Ted Horton, editor of The Spectator Australia Rowan Dean, senior M&C Saatchi copywriter Curt McDonald and creative consultant Mark Sharman.

Boddington said he was excited to win the scholarship and keen to build upon his education at Copy School.

Says Boddington: “The journalistic aspects and the years of experience the Copy School tutors have is really beneficial towards copywriters. Copy School encompassed both the ideas and writing process.”

Boddington is interested in working at a hands-on, smaller agency and currently runs his own theatre company.

Copy School is held several times a year in Melbourne and Sydney. The next Copy School will be held in March next year in Melbourne.

The event once again attracted an overwhelmingly positive response with two thirds of respondents to a feedback survey rating the event either a nine or 10 out of 10. All costs were donated to the Salvation Army.