Zenith aces Tennis Australia’s first Facebook Messenger Bot campaign for Australian Open

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Aus Open Bot Image 1.jpgAus Open Bot Image 2.jpgZenith Melbourne has served impressive results in a new initiative for Tennis Australia – a Facebook Messenger Bot to help drive ticket sales to the acclaimed Australian Open.

The Australian Open Ticket Finder Bot guides users through purchasing various kinds of tickets available, then links them through to the Ticketek payment page to complete their purchase.

Launched on October 10th, the Bot is promoted through paid advertising on Facebook, and users can find it by searching through the ‘Discover’ section in Messenger where they can search using the Bot name “Aus Open 2018 Ticket Finder”.

In just one week the Bot has driven 170% more conversions than linking users directly to Ticketek and a much cheaper cost per conversion. More than 600 conversations have taken place in the Bot generating 141 conversions, and generated a 25 times return on investment.

Tennis Australia is targeting those fans who usually leave ticket purchases until closer to the tournament and Zenith is aiming to change that behaviour with this new approach to deliver sales earlier than historic patterns.

The Australian Open Ticket Finder Bot is supported by an Australian Open advertising campaign for Tennis Australia that launched in the first week of October. The media campaign consists of television, outdoor, radio, online video and direct response activity that includes paid search, display and social.

Says Kevin Alphonso, head of digital, Zenith Melbourne: “We are always looking for ways to make it easier for users to find information and transact online. The Messenger Bot enables users to interact with the Australian Open brand seamlessly within a platform that they already use, and it is already delivering leads at a higher ROI than some other tactics.”

Says Tanya Tribuzio, marketing manager – events, Tennis Australia: “We were excited when Zenith presented some innovative ideas for our campaign, which included the Messenger Bot.  The functionality was impressive and how it enabled our fans to easily navigate through to find the best tickets for them, all within a familiar platform. We are very happy with the initial results.”

Check out the Australian Open Messenger Bot at: http://bit.ly/AusOpenTicketFinder.