Cannes Contenders: Cummins&Partners Sydney

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How will Australia perform at Cannes this year? In the lead up to the Festival, Campaign Brief will be showcasing the work we hope will impress the judges…

Cummins&Partners, Sydney

‘Stop The Horror’ was created for Go Gentle Australia – a not-for-profit organisation lobbying for better end-of-life choices. ‘Stop The Horror’ is an interactive film that tells the true story of Greg Sims – a terminally ill patient. It captures the horrific pain and suffering he had to endure at the end of his life. The film is so raw and uncensored that an on-screen button allows the viewer to escape the film when it becomes too much to watch. When they click away, we reveal that Greg Sims did not have that same right – he could not escape the horror. We then give the viewer a way to prevent this sort of suffering – by voicing support for a compassionate voluntary assisted dying law to their local parliamentarian. To experience the film:

Cummins&Partners, Sydney

In August 2017, the government announced a national survey to determine whether Australians support marriage equality. PUMA wanted to make it clear they support equality and individuality of every kind. And they wanted to give the public a way to express their support easily too. With #LetUsAllTieTheKnot, we turned the everyday action of tying shoelaces into a symbol of support for everyone to be able to marry whoever they love. Together with a lacing expert, we created the Equality Knot – a unique knot that sat noticeably on the side of the shoe with an equal sign as its central feature.