Clemenger BBDO Melbourne and Sydney welcomes latest ‘Exceptions to the Rule’


CLM Exceptions (1).jpgClemenger BBDO has today welcomed the latest batch of recruits from its ‘Exceptions to the Rule’ program across its Melbourne and Sydney offices.

The ‘Exceptions to the Rule’ program is Clemenger BBDO’s annual search for diverse talent that may not have come through traditional tertiary or career pathways, providing an opportunity for those that haven’t studied advertising to enter the industry.

Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at 8.08.23 am.jpgThis year’s search saw more than 200 applications, with 12 of those being offered placements as ‘Exceptions’. 2019’s recruits include an interior designer, a theatre director, food writer, commerce student, fashion blogger and art history major, among others.

Says Nick Garrett, CEO, Clemenger BBDO: “What is most pleasing to me is to see how well our first two intakes of Exceptions have done in the agency, and we’re incredibly proud of what they achieved. I look forward to seeing this year’s Exceptions kick-start their careers with us.”