Team Ricci’s Spikes Asia Diary: Day One

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image3 (1).jpgRay Ali (left) and Nicole Hetherington (right) from WiTH Collective are a team known as “Ricci” competing in the Integrated category of the Young Spikes competition. Here they give a rundown of their first day.

After a flight full of highs and lows we touched down in sunny Singapore, and proceed to hit the town for a night out with the locals… who go hard for a Tuesday…

Bright and early the next morning we rocked up to Spikes for registration with our lunches packed and our shoes tied tight. We then met our rivals from 13 different countries across Asia and got briefed for the 24hr competition.

image1 (1).jpgThe festival looks awesome with plenty of exciting speakers and talks on the bill, however our day and night will be hosted in a hotel room with coffee, pads and keynote talks from each of us on why our idea is right.

After that we hope to reconnect with our Singaporean mentor to learn the finer arts of Hawker living.

Until tomorrow.

Ricci xoxo

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