Digital radio listening reaches all time high

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cra-thumb-200x78-126047.jpgDigital radio listening has reached a high of nearly 13% or more than 1.6 million people listening each week and the number of digital radios sold continues to rise with 87,555 DAB+ devices sold in the third quarter of 2013.  

Digital radio listening figures from Survey 7, 2013 show that more than 1.6 million people or 12.7% of radio listening each week in the five state capitals, is via a DAB+ device.  Time Spent Listening (TSL) to radio via a DAB+ digital radio device is 12 hours, more than double that of TSL to radio via the internet which remains at just over five and a half hours.

Figures released by Commercial Radio Australia from the Q3 2013, GfK Marketscope report, which included the Sony Father’s Day promotion (buy selected Sony DAB+ radio and receive free headphones), show 87,555 DAB+ devices sold, compared to Q2 with 68,417 sold.  Bringing the total number of digital radios sold since the 2009 launch to 1,406,151.


Says Joan Warner, Commercial Radio Australia chief executive officer: “These listening and sales figures for digital radios are very encouraging and we look forward to a successful digital radio Christmas promotion in the coming weeks.”