ANDY-FIRTH-web.jpgFormer Loud, Sydney creative director Andy Firth (left), who left the agency back in November, has gone into business with his old art director Gary Cunliffe from their Saatchi & Saatchi, O&M, Leo’s days to form Mammal.

Firth told CB: “Cunliffe has been a director with Plump Films for the last six years (and still is). So, by becoming a creative team again we are able to write, shoot and produce commercials all in-house, start to finish (we’ll do the same with print etc as well).

“The logic is, in these tough times, we can work more efficiently without a cumbersome bigger agency structure, cut out agency mark ups and ensure clients see more of their budget on screen or on in print. We picked up our first sizeable client on Friday.

“We’re called Mammal, because that’s what outlived the dinosaurs.”

Mammal can be contacted on: 02 9009 4555 or 0404 883 706

Email Andy Firth