Sexist ads slammed by women’s rights activists


madisonavenue_01.jpgmadisonavenue_02.jpgmadisonavenue_03.jpgAmerican company, Madison Avenue Cookware, has outraged women’s rights activists after launching an advertising campaign in Australia this week.

The ads display images of high-end kitchenware accompanied by headlines such as “The only thing that cooks better is a woman”, “Enjoy your time out of the bedroom” and “A woman’s best friend”.


Roger Hudson (pictured), CEO of Madison Avenue Products, defended the campaign saying “This model has worked very well for us in America and we feel it will work very well in certain parts of Australia too. These women respond well to traditional values. If we ignore hairy-legged feminists for one second, research has told us that women do actually love cooking and they do actually love keeping their man happy. It’s in their DNA.”


Roger Hudson.jpgWomen Rights Activist Cathy Davis says the ads are “…absolutely despicable. They devalue women by implying that cooking is our most important role in society… It is archaic, misogynistic and sexist”.


In response to Ms Davis’ comments, Mr Hudson said:

“Settle down doll face.”


Be warned though, not for the easily offended.