George Patterson Y&R proves ‘It’s No Picnic’ creating hundreds of TV commercials for Cadbury


Picture 747.pngEXCLUSIVE – A Picnic bar is nutty, chewy and a challenge to eat, so for its first new campaign, in nearly six years, which launches this Sunday, George Patterson Y&R, Melbourne put it to the public to see how they’d go eating one in the space of an ad break (30 seconds) filming themselves using mobile phones, handycams and webcams.

Picture 748.pngPicture 749.pngThe fully-integrated campaign, which launches Sunday, directs people to www.itsnopicnic.tvwhere they can build their own television commercial. The websiteallows them to upload their film (or record themselves using webcam),edit their footage, choose one of 50 pre-recorded Voice Overs andpersonalise it by including their name, of which around 1,400individual names were recorded. Once finished they submit their ad forapproval, with the best ones being selected and aired on nationaltelevision.


In an Australian-first media buy through Carat,the approved commercials are dispatched as they’re created, with everyad airing once only – allowing a campaign of hundreds of individualspots.


The creator of the selected commercial is contactedinforming them of the channel, program and time their ad is scheduledto be aired, allowing them to spread the word through email, Facebookand Twitter.

Says Erin Blackman, Cadbury Brand Manager: “It’s the unique combinationof ingredients that makes Picnic unlike any other bar on the market andthis new interactive campaign is designed to allow people to have funwith the brand in an equally unique way.”


michael-1.jpegAdds newly appointed Patts Co-CDs Jim Ingram and Ben Couzens: “It’skinda scary producing a campaign of this scale with literally nodirector, no editor, no grade and no music. But it’s up and running andso far so good…”.


A pre-launch version of the site was made available to Cadbury/agencyfriends to get the ball rolling, with the public site going live onSunday February 7. The campaign will roll out over the next 8 weeks, sogive it a crack yourself. Who knows, we might see some ad agency folks on TVsoon.

ECD: Ben Coulson

Art Director/CD: Ben Couzens

Writer/CD: Jim Ingram

Agency Producer: Romanca Jasinski

Digital Art Director: Stephen Joss

Digital Producer: Carrie Burman

Digital Developer: Beau Rushton

Flash Developer: Jadon Baker

Group Account Director:  Mike Napolitano

Account Manager:  Alice Mason

Head of Planning:  Kate Smither

Head of Digital Strategy: Luc Wiesman