Momentum’s Hayley Gibney-Palmer gets DUXED


Hayley-GP.JPGAPMA, powered by the Communications Council, today announced the 2010 Australasian winner of its Diploma in Promotional & Interactive Marketing course licensed from Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM).

Hayley Gibney-Palmer, Account Manager at Momentum Worldwide, outclassed the other participants from Australasia to take out top honours for the Australasian Dux.

The internationally acclaimed part-time online course provides an intensive introduction to promotional and interactive marketing in Australasia and is offered in conjunction with the IPM course in the United Kingdom.

Hayley will be joining fellow UK class of 2010 graduates in London forthe IPM Student Graduation at the renowned Royal Society of Medicine.She’ll enjoy an all expenses paid trip, courtesy of the coursesponsors, Free 2 Travel.

Hayley will be sharing her London experiences through a dedicated column and through APMA’s Youngstars facebook group.

“The APMA course has been an incredible learning experience and hasreally fine-tuned my skills as a marketer,” said Ms Gibney-Palmer.  “Ifeel very honored to be named Australasian Dux and am extremelygrateful to APMA and Momentum for the opportunity to celebrate mygraduation with the UK class in London.”

“Hayley’s award is thoroughly well deserved and especially pleasingbecause at Momentum nurturing our talent is one of our four overallgoals. This APMA – IPM initiative is a great way for us to nurture ouryoung guns and we congratulate Hayley”, said Gus Guthrie, ManagingDirector Momentum Worldwide.

“Year on year we see a steady growth in enrolments for the course whichis a huge vote of confidence in the quality and content of the course.It also ensures it is a competitive program, so well done Hayley fortaking out top honours.” said Kylie Green, APMA Education PortfolioManager and Vice Chair of the APMA.


“This year we introduced some great new modules to reflect the evolvingnature of the work our industry does, which has been well received bystudents has ensured we’re delivering high industry standards ineducation” says Green. 

The IMP Diploma in Promotional & Interactive Marketing is aqualification that is recognised by the industry at large. The Diplomais designed for agency as well as client personnel involved inpromotional campaigns. The course covers the role of promotional andinteractive marketing, techniques, codes and legalities and projectmanagement.

For more information on the APMA IPM Diploma in Promotional &Interactive Marketing  visit or alternatively contactKylie Green, APMA Education Portfolio Manager via email