Comms Council teams with RMIT to launch course to enhance agency-client relationships

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RMITlogo.pngThe Communications Councilhas teamed up with RMIT to launch a new course aimed at enhancing agency-clientrelationships. The industry focused program was developed with the input fromindustry practitioners with a view to catering for the needs of Melbourne basedclients and agencies.

The course, which has a strong digital component, is designed to provide participants withtangible innovation and communication skills to enhance relationships within an agency -client environment.

RMIT’s Industry Group Manager for Public Relations, Retail, International Trade/Business, Marketing, Advertising & Logistics Caryl Hertz said:”RMIT is delighted to co-badge the short course that was developed in consultation with leading industry practitioners and The Communications Council.”

Daniel Leesong, CEO of TheCommunications Council said: “This is the first time that our organisation andRMIT have partnered on a co-branded course, which is the first of its kind inMelbourne. It is our intention for both parties to work together in the futureto ensure that we keep providing the type of training that the industrydemands.” 

The course will cover topics ranging from improving communication between agencyand clients to understanding the digital consumer. It aims to give participantsa level of competence to confidently interface with colleagues and key customerstakeholders and provide practical ways to apply these skills in a workenvironment.

The course presenters will be leading industrypractitioners who are at the forefront of industry developments to ensure valueadd to the program.

No specific academic experience is required, but participants must currently be workingwithin an advertising environment, on either the agency or client side, for atleast 12 months. Upon successful completion, participants will beawarded an RMIT Statement of Participation.

This short course will be delivered over fourthree-hour session on the 20th of February to 9 March 2011, from 9.00am–12.00 pm. 

 For more information contact Audrey Maxwell