Bronze for Team America – F*#K YEAH!


Screen shot 2011-06-26 at 4.02.21 PM.jpgAussie expats Alex Romans and Ben Clare from Johannes Leonardo, New York represented the USA in the Young Lions Film competition at Cannes this week. Here’s their report, exclusive to Campaign Brief.

First off, don’t mind the pants. They were just to get us through US customs. We’re still Australian at heart.

We’ve just come to the end of this year’s Cannes Young Lions Film Competition.

We were briefed on Wednesday with teams from 41 other countries. Whilst Australia doesn’t field a team, Nigeria does. Go figure.

So as two Australians competing under the star spangled banner, we felt it was our duty to represent the newly formed republic of ‘Ameristralia’.

This year’s brief was for Global Angels – a foundation out to create a network of people around the world to raise money for those in need.

It was actually a surprisingly grueling experience. See, it’s not the 48 hour deadline that gets you, or the lack of sleep. It’s the invites to pool parties that keep popping up in your inbox as you work away at your station two floors below ground.

We bashed out our entry with just minutes to spare, handed it in and then hit the Gutter Bar. We then went back in this morning for the judges’ verdict and after a good two hours of waiting we managed to walk away with the bronze medals. They’ll complement our new tans nicely.

Tres Bien.