New York-based Aussie ex-pat creative Ben Smith develops the Euro 2012 Score Censor


Campaign Brief 248.pngErik Norin and Aussie ex-pat Ben Smith, both working in New York, are two European soccer nut creatives living in the USA and want to avoid spoilers during the biggest sporting event of 2012.

So, as a personal project, they created the Euro 2012 Score Censor – Anti-Spoiler Software for Google Chrome.

A clever little Chrome extension designed to let you browse the Internet safe in the knowledge that you’ll never accidentally see a result before you want to.

Campaign Brief 249.pngAdd the Euro 2012 Score Censor to Chrome, click the Score Censor icon in your browser and select any of the sixteen competing Euro 2012 nations you wish to block. The censor then works its magic by censoring out the score, your teams name, even images that hint at a result.

And so your friends won’t spoil a result for you, let them know your censoring scores with Facebook and Twitter notifications.

Campaign Brief 250.pngThe Euro 2012 Score Censor is the first step in a planned universal sports results spoiler blocker platform.

Follow @scorecensor on Twitter.

Disclaimer: The Score Censor will increase your chance of not learning the score prematurely by at least 90%.


Creative: Erik Norin

Creative Ben Smith

Tech: Jay Whitmore

Design: Daniel Wall