Screen Australia invests in Filmgraphics Entertainment director Marc Furmie’s ‘Airlock’


MV5BMjIxMjkwMTc5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODA0MzkwNA@@._V1._SY314_CR25,0,214,314_.jpgScreen Australia has just announced its investment in Filmgraphics Entertainment director Marc Furmie’s sci-fi thriller series’ ‘Airlock’.

The investment has been made through their “Multiplatform Drama Production” program. This is the first time that Screen Australia has invested directly in a series that will be distributed primarily using BitTorrent, the peer-to-peer filesharing service. Furmie has recently completed music videos for Andrew De Silva (Winner of Australiaʼs Got Talent 2012) and Timomatic, as well as advertising spots for Telstra and Red Rooster.

Airlock Synopsis: Jonah is tasked with what should be a routine investigation of a death onboard

a ship that is docking with his space station. Jonah soon learns that the ship is actually a people-smuggling vessel, and that a strategic attack is being mounted on the space station. Jonah must overcome generations-old intergalactic prejudices in order to save those he can and warn humanity of the impending threat.