SCA promotes Handee with tongue-in-cheek ‘Said no one ever’ ad campaign via Hello I’m Venus


HANDEE-1.jpgSCA’s Handee is not glorifying cleanliness, instead urging consumer’s to let go of perfectionism, and make cleaning easy with the new product development  “Handee Towel in a Box”.


Hello I’m Venus created Handee’s new campaign, ‘Said No One Ever” removing stress and bringing a light-hearted irony to household mess with through the line thinking.

Says Kimberley Knapp, marketing manager at SCA Hygiene Australasia: “By looking past the traditional ‘celebration of cleaning,’ we created a unique, tongue-in-cheek communication approach that does away with predictable cleaning clichés.


“The campaign is based on a very real, but often unacknowledged insight: our consumer is less concerned with the division of labour and more interested in looking for a quick solution to clean up and get on with it.”

Says Jessie Jordan, creative director of Hello I’m Venus: “The age-old stigma of cleanliness still hangs over us, but we’ve moved on from this. We all know mess happens, so there’s no use getting our knickers in a knot about it.


“This campaign recognises that most people prefer breaking free, getting on with life and having fun.”


Hello I’m Venus developed the creative campaign to run across a variety of mediums, including four 15 second television commercials, a range of press ads and outdoor posters, and a social component.


The campaign follows a string of work from the agency for SCA, including campaigns for both Libra and Lights by Tena, demonstrating their unique marketing to women positioning.

The campaign will begin in July for Australia and kicked off late June in NZ.

Client: Brenda Mitchell, Kimberley Knapp, Jan Sudworth, Joaquin Gutierrez

Creative Directors: Jessica Jordan, Bec Brideson

Creative Team: Amelia Birrell, Eleanor Dunn

Agency Producer: Eliza Malone

Account Team: Kristin Smolen, Britt Rigoni, Tina Miles

Production House: Photoplay

Director: Matt Kamen, Producer, Chris Kamen