Good Green Production Bible challenges industry to make green decisions via Republic of Everyone

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Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 11.25.51 AM.jpgLeading sustainability company GreenShoot Pacific has teamed up with better world communications company Republic of Everyone to create the Good Green Production Bible – a free resource to help improve sustainability in the touring, events, advertising, and film/tv production arena.

‘Ours can be a very wasteful industry and consumers are, quite righty, seeking greater corporate responsibility on the sustainability front’ said Jane Fullerton-Smith, from GreenShoot Pacific.

‘The Good Green Production Bible provides an easy to digest, easy to implement set of sustainability tips, rated according to cost, effort and impact. Everyone can start making a difference right now.’

Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 11.26.04 AM.jpg‘We’re part of an industry that is full of people who care about the planet and care about climate change’, said Republic of Everyone Founder Ben Peacock. ‘It makes sense for us to write the book about what we know to lead the industry we’re a part of.’

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