Govt launches campaign introducing food labels to make it clearer where the products consumers buy are produced, grown, made or packed

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MADE-IN-AUSTRALIA-labels.jpgThe Department of Industry, Innovation and Science has launched ‘See what you’re getting’, a new campaign introducing new food labels to make it clearer where the products consumers buy are produced, grown, made or packed.

From July 1 easy to understand labels will tell consumers at a glance where a product comes from, so people can make a clear and informed decision.

For many years, Australians have been demanding changes to origin claims on food labels. Consumers wanted them to be clearer, more meaningful, and accurate.

Up until now, country of origin labelling has often been unclear. It was hard to know the difference between descriptions like ‘made in’ and ‘product of’. The new labels will be easier to understand, so consumers can make a quick, yet informed, decision in the supermarket aisle, at the fruit and veg shop, or the market.

Businesses selling food in Australian retail stores will need to begin applying the labels from 1 July 2016.

There is a two year transition period, giving businesses time to manage the change while still selling their existing stock. This means that over time, you will see more and more labels appearing on products.

Any food products that still have the old labels at the end of the transition period can still be sold until the end of their shelf-life. Food labelled after the end of the transition period must follow the new rules.