Le journal de local #4 – Alex Little and Karsten Jurkchat’s Cannes Series

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*Hero IMage (1).jpgAlex Little and Karsten Jurkchat, senior creative team at Ogilvy Melbourne are in Cannes competing in the Cyber category of the Cannes Young Lions competition. Here, the pair shines a light on the Cannes celebrities you haven’t heard of, exclusively for CB.

“I was jumping horses in Monaco and there were people taking pictures. After I finished, they came up to me and said that because of my height I should consider modelling. Since then I have modelled in Milan, Paris, Madrid, all over Europe. I also have a master’s degree in marketing from London. But, in the end I chose modelling as my career. I do my own marketing now.” – Charlotte Murray, Sainte-Marguerite Island, Cannes 

1 DSCF1616 (1).jpgWe worked up the courage to chat to Charlotte while taking a break from the hectic speaker schedule on Sainte-Marguerite island just off Cannes. Word is it’s where the real ‘man in the iron mask’ was imprisoned, but these days it’s less Leo, more long lunches. The restaurant we dined at sat on a beautiful old terrace over-looking the bay, which was rammed with luxury yachts like a kind 2 DSCF1585 (1).jpgof fibre-glass armada. We were expecting a low-key lunch affair, but it became clear the staff had other plans when they started cranking Kendrick and encouraging their guests – mainly other agencies celebrating their festival wins – to embrace their table tops as dance floors for the duration of the afternoon, producing Gatsby levels of debauchery. For our trip home, we took the long 3 DSCF1594 (1).jpgway on the gorgeous Finch yacht. Lovely people, lovely afternoon.

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