Gabberish #2: Feeling insecure? Let’s deal with it

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IAmCrap.jpg2.jpgThe second issue of Gabberish, creative therapy for creative minds, is out now. Featuring articles, posters, graphics, side projects, interviews, and a couple of hairs plucked from the head of an ageing creative, this issue takes a long hard look at insecurity.


Says Siobhan Fitzgerald, Monkeys Melbourne creative and Gabberish founder: “People in our industry are often surprised to find out that others feel as insecure as they do. The problem is, these feelings can really drag you down–and it’s hard to write a funny ad for toilet paper when you’re stuck in the toilet crying because you’re not good enough. Talking about it (or drawing about it) can help you put your feelings in perspective and come out the other side.”

Gabberish will be putting out new issues monthly(ish).

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