Social enterprise fashion label HoMie launches latest #BEAMODEL campaign with Tommy Little

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BANNER_TOMMY.jpgFollowing on from the Tommy Little #BEAMODEL campaign for HoMie, comes the inevitable Christmas cash-in, in the form of the official HoMie 2019 calendar.

The new iteration of the campaign was developed by freelance creative Alex Wadelton, freelance journalist/former managing editor of The Project Tom Whitty, and photo dynamo and Ryan Reynolds lookalike Stu Morley, as well as Tommy Little himself.

TOMMY CALENDAR 1.jpgFeatures include:

• A foreword from Tommy, giving the full low-down on why he became a fully fledged Insta flog

• All 12 months of the year. Yes, including June

• A different very sincere and thoughtful message of support on each month from Tommy’s friends Carrie Bickmore, Waleed Aly, Pete Helliar, Will Anderson, Nazeem Hussain, Meshel Laurie, Dave Thornton, Dave Hughes, Hannah Gadsby, Tom Gleeson, Tom Ballard, and Denise Scott

• 100% of profits go to Aussies experiencing homelessness

The calenders are available for pre-order now from for $30TOMMY CALENDAR 2.jpg or for free if you purchase $150 worth of clothing. (Calendar ships on December 10, just in time for Christmas)

After the calendar was launched on The Project on Wednesday night HoMie sold more than $50,000 worth of clothing and calendars.

You can watch the segment here.

The video has been watched online almost 50,000 times, and Tommy’s post about the calendar has received more than 13,000 likes as well.

HoMie is a social enterprise creating pathways out of homelessness. They envision an Australian society free of homelessness. Its primary mission is to build confidence and provide job skills for young people, and in doing so, create unique pathways out ofTOMMY CALENDAR 3.jpg homelessness and hardship.

The following legends volunteered their time to pull the calendar together. Alex Lopez did the artwork. Chris Erickson did some additional retouching. And Mark Parker got Hornet Press to jump on board to print for a reduced fee.

Nick Pearce, Co-Founder, HoMie.

Sam Hodgson, Co-Founder, HoMie.

Ellen Jacobsen, Social Impact Manager, Homie.

#BEAMODEL credits:

Tommy Little, Comedian cum Model, Tommy Little

Alex Wadelton, Creative Director, Stuff By Alex Wadelton

Tom Whitty, Executive Producer, Whitty TV

Stu Morley, Photographer, Stu Morley Photography

Calender production:

Alex Lopez, Calendar Design and Artwork, A to Z of creativity, 0417 240 235

Chris “Dude” Erickson, Image Retouching, Topic Visual

Mark Parker, from MRP Productions, 0439 331 525

Calendar printing, Hornet Press