Facebook plans to simplify ad offerings

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Facebook has announced an ongoing effort to simplify their ads products.

Marketing should be simple. Marketers of all sizes should be able to give Facebook their business goals, and Facebook will generate the right combination of products to help them achieve it.

Learn more about Facebook’s ads simplification in the blog post.


In the next six months, Facebook will take the number of total ad units from 27 to fewer than half of that while mapping all ads to the business objectives marketers care about — be it in-store sales, online conversions, or app installs. We have a few ways to accomplish this goal:

  • Eliminate redundancies: We noticed that many ad units accomplish the same goals, so we’re cutting out these redundancies such as removing Questions product for Pages and the online Offer product. We’re going to start making these changes in July.
  • Include the best of sponsored stories in all ads: When you create a Page post photo ad, we will automatically add social context and eliminate that extra step of creating sponsored stories. We believe social enhances ad resonance; people are influenced by this type of word-of-mouth marketing. These changes will happen in the fall.
  • Make ad units look more consistent: Creating consistency among ad units will reduce the number of ad formats and make the ad creation process much simpler for advertisers who run multiple campaigns or want to test which ad creative performs the best. Ultimately, this helps advertisers optimize their campaigns across desktop and mobile and a consistent look and feel to our ads give users an overall better experience. These changes will start happening in late June.